Friday 13 June 2008

Good enough to make you cry

Ken Imaizumi knew after all the long hours he and hundreds of others had worked on making Metal Gear Solid 4 something special had paid off when they made a woman cry. The veteran video game producer said he knew because the woman in question was from the Japanese ratings board.

�She watches the videos for all the new games � up to 5,000 games a year � and when she watched the video of this game, and she got to the end, she cried,� Imaizumi told Metro at a Konami preview event recently in San Francisco.

�She said: �This is not just a game.�� This emotion-packed stealth/action game, the latest in a franchise that has sold more than 20 million units over the last decade and a half, hits the streets exclusively for PlayStation 3 tomorrow and assistant producer Ryan Payton definitely agrees the creators have come up with something special.

�It�s not your normal game,� Payton said. �There are so many elements, layers and layers of complexity and jokes and story. It was really an epic development experience and it�s an epic game playing experience as well.�

As for what fans can expect from MGS4, the producer said, simply, the end.

�This is Solid Snake�s final mission,� Imaizumi noted.

�His saga is finished.�

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